Blindness by the Numbers presents a data visualization of blindness in order to help sighted readers empathize with those who are visually impaired.
It is a common misconception that blindness always means a total lack of vision. Blindness is defined by the World Health Organization as visual acuity lower than 3/60. Different types of diseases can cause blindness, such as glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and more. Each eye disease affects vision differently. In Blindness by the Numbers, transparencies printed on vellum pages show the reader how vision is obscured by different diseases.
The booklet also includes charts and diagrams to show disparities in how blindness is treated throughout the world. Countries with fewer resources to combat vision problems have much higher rates of blindness due to issues as simple as a lack of glasses. By being immersed in this information, readers gain a greater understanding of this personal yet global health concern.