Power Sole is a project that looks at the lack of innovation in orthotics (foot insoles). 75% of Americans will encounter foot health problems at one time or another in their life. This can include flat feet, high arches, or recovery from foot injuries. When looking at existing solutions, there have been no new breakthroughs since the production of traditional orthotics which are bulky in nature and hard to personalize to the user’s foot. By thinking five years ahead and looking at upcoming technological innovations, I determined what a product might look like that could consistently react in real-time to varying degrees and changes of the user’s needs. My goal was to create a solution for an orthotic that provides comfort, stability, and a natural fit to the user. The technology of Power Sole uses UV Light to heat up a reactive polymer, allowing the foot bed to change shape within the insole. The changing foot bed, pressure sensors, and user feedback through the accompanying application allow the doctor to wirelessly alter the orthotic to fit the patient’s needs instantly. This enables finding the perfect fit of orthotic to occur much faster than a traditional orthotic fitting. Power Sole will not only be useful for those that have foot health problems, but can expand out to different verticals and help any user find their perfect fit.